Ethylene absorbent
Excellent early results were obtained in the horticultural and post-harvest preservation sectors.
Numerous scientific studies conducted at several research universities endorse Greenkeeper’s results.
However, experience teaches us that our best test fields are those at our customers’ facilities around the world as well as the use of GreenKeeper in trucks and containers that transport fruits and vegetables.
The company launched a new stage in 2012 with the opening of a new manufacturing plant near Madrid, the foundation for what today is GreenKeeper.
The incorporation of modern production machinery, the launch of our R&D research laboratory, and the incorporation of several doctors and engineers resulted in our definitive growth from 2014.
Growth has been rapid and consolidated ever since, GreenKeeper quickly making a name for itself as a world leader in ethylene elimination and post-harvest conservation.
Our work at our Commercial Offices in Madrid and our Technological Innovation Center in Barcelona focuses on meeting the needs of our customers and developing new formats and safe and effective products.
What is GreenKeeper?

Ethylene absorbent
Our studies and tests demonstrate that GreenKeeper eliminates a significant part of the organic gases released by fruits and vegetables, as well as the odors produced by these gases.
Having a modified and clean atmosphere prevents the molds, fungus, yeast, and bacteria that may affect fruits and vegetables from forming. More specifically, fungal diseases like Anthracnose, Penicillium and Botrytis, and bacteria like Pseudomonas, require gaseous signals to develop. Eliminating these gases greatly reduces fungal and bacterial development.
The elimination of the ethylene produced by fruits and vegetables that accumulates inside closed cold stores naturally increases their maximum storage potential, prevents premature ripening, and keeps perishables fresher longer.
How does GreenKeeper work?

The role of the mineral is to serve as a support for the potassium permanganate, increasing its contact surface with the air.
Potassium permanganate promotes the oxidation of a large number of volatile organic compounds, always within the different formats available, without altering the organoleptic properties of fruits and vegetables. It is a natural way to preserve food and is also suitable for organic agriculture.
This clean atmosphere reduces the degenerative metabolism of fruits and vegetables as well as the release of gases, thus prolonging freshness and shelf life with Ethylene absorbent.

General Certificate of Conformity
Our products comply with the regulation in force regarding food contact in Europe (EC450/2009) and the USA.
Health Registry
Department of Health and Social Policy of Castilla-La Mancha
Pursuant to the European regulation CE 834/2007 and the American regulation NOP (National Organic Program). Spanish CAAE Norm of Inspection and Evaluation of Consumable Goods (PGT-01/IN).
Certificate PACK BRC
Greenkeeper Iberia has been evaluated and meets the requirements of the global packaging standards.

Before that, between February 2017 and December 2018, we also carried out another ambitious project entitled “High-Added-Value Products for Ethylene Removal and Air Purification” at our Villacañas (Toledo) facility. The project, with a budget of €297,806, was also financed by the CDTI with European ERDF funding, within the Smart Growth Operational Programme 2014-2020. A large part of the technical and process innovations for our range of our unmatched ethylene absorber sachets were developed within the framework of this project.