A very dynamic demand for food and a supply with a certain rigidity is forecast for the near future, and an increase in primary productivity through the intensive use of technology has emerged as the only viable strategy to meet the future food demand and reduce the impact on prices. To that end, products must be produced, transported, and stored in an efficient and sustainable way.
The greatest food waste during storage is caused by inadequate stacking techniques as well as unsuitable storage temperature.
Future demand will require a different product flow than traditional systems and food systems should be restructured to reduce waste.
The United Kingdom is estimated to produce between 18 and 20 million tons of food waste each year. Households produce approximately 8.3 million tons, and the remaining 10.8 million tons are waste derived from the production and distribution chain.
Source: SAGARPA Challenges and opportunities of the agri-food system in Mexico in the next 20 years.